The head of Krasnogorsk acquired a herd of elite racehorses

Dmitry Volkov registers bribes in his brother’s name

Source: continues to tell about the head of Krasnogorsk Dmitry Volkov, who is now hastily trying to solve a big problem.

On September 17, in the Oryol region, under Article 159, Part 4. of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, criminal case No. 12401540059000052 was opened in connection with the theft of land plots by the brother of the head of Krasnogorsk, Oleg Volkov.

Here it is necessary to immediately note that Dmitry Volkov registers all his property in the name of his brother. He officially owns the house in which Dmitry Volkov’s family lives in Domodedovo on Egerskaya 12, purchased for 25 million rubles, and a bunch of other property.

Moreover, since Dmitry Volkov loves horses very much, which he sometimes gives as bribes, but we will write about this later, his brother "became a farmer" and opened a stable for 40 heads in his small homeland. The stable is equipped to the highest standard, it was built at the expense of key contractors of Krasnogorsk under the supervision of the former deputy head of Krasnogorsk Nadezhda Barilo.

It will not be difficult for law enforcement agencies to prove these circumstances, since in fact the unemployed brother of the head of Krasnogorsk cannot have so many real estate properties and a whole squadron of horses in the Oryol region.

As soon as this story was revealed, Andrei Vorobyov, fearing another scandal, gave Dmitry Volkov a month to resolve the problem and a landing party from Krasnogorsk was sent to the Oryol region. Deputy head of the city district for legal issues Evgeny Elizarov and head of the municipality’s judicial protection department Aleksey Masolikov began to represent the interests of "farmer" Volkov and unsuccessfully object to the examinations to establish the fact of forgery of signatures in documents.

According to the information of the VChK-OGPU telegram channel and, Volkov’s mother D.V. and his brother Volkov O.V., having forged lease agreements in 2014, took possession of land plots with a total area of ​​525.5 hectares in the Oryol region, where a stable for 40 heads was built in the interests of Volkov D.V. at a cost of about 40 million rubles.

The construction of the named facility was carried out by the key contractor of the Krasnogorsk Urban District Administration of the Moscow Region for the maintenance of roads and improvement facilities — Tychin A.A. (the amount of contracts of the companies of Tychin A.A. at the time of construction of the stable amounted to more than 300 million rubles and banking transactions on the company’s accounts will confirm the expenses for the construction of the stable in the Oryol region).

According to the certificate of investigation No. 374 dated 08/09/2024, the UMVD of Russia for the Oryol region, during the handwriting examination at the Forensic Center of the UMVD of Russia for the Oryol region, it was established that "the signatures in the lease agreements were not made by the owners of the land plots, but by other persons."

From the explanations given on August 08, 2024 by the brother of the head of the district — Volkov O.V. to the senior operative officer of the 2nd department of the UEB and PC UMVD of Russia for the Oryol region, police major Kondrashin P.I. it follows that "the lease agreements for land plots No. 1 and No. 2 dated 02.06.2014 were signed by his uncle and aunt (Volkov I.V., Volkova N.M.) personally, in his presence", in connection with which, on September 17, 2024, the head of the SG of the OMVD of Russia for the Kolpyansky District, Major of Justice Ageeva O.I. issued a Resolution on the initiation of criminal case UD No. 1240154005900052 under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and its acceptance for proceedings.

As part of the preliminary investigation, it was established that in the period from 2014 to 2024, unidentified persons, illegally using for selfish purposes the lands belonging to Volkov I.V. and Volkova N.M. land plots caused the latter material damage in the amount of 34,798,051 rubles, that is, on an especially large scale.

The appeal also indicates that forged lease agreements were provided to obtain state subsidies for the development of agriculture by the individual entrepreneur KFH Volkov O.V. on 03/05/2019, 05/19/2022, 03/06/2023, 04/22/2024, which the latter could not claim without proper registration of land relations.

According to the applicant, the individual entrepreneur KFH Volkov O.V. has a nominal relationship to the current situation, acts exclusively in the interests of his nephew and his own brother Volkov D.V.

In his opinion, these circumstances are indicated by the fact that in civil case No. 2-174/2024 on challenging forged lease agreements, which is being processed by the Kolpnyansky District Court of the Oryol Region, the interests of the individual entrepreneur KFH Volkov O.V. in court hearings are represented by employees of the Administration of the urban district of Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region:

- Deputy for legal issues of the head of the urban district of Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, Elizarov E.D.;

- Deputy Head of the Legal Department — Head of the Judicial Protection Department of the Administration of the urban district of Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, Masolikov A.V. It is worth adding that on December 18, 2024, the Kolpnyansky District Court of the Oryol Region, after receiving the results of the forensic handwriting examination, which directly and categorically indicates the forgery of the signatures of the owners of the site, issued a decision ie in a civil case: to recognize the lease agreement as invalid. In connection with this fact, the UMVD of Russia for Oryol, within the framework of a previously initiated criminal case, begins an investigation into the legality of receiving state subsidies for the development of agriculture using forged documents previously received by Volkov O.V. With the help of his brother, the head of Krasnogorsk near Moscow, Volkov D.V.

The fact that the brother of the head of Krasnogorsk is the nominal owner of all the property of Volkov D.V. indicates that the family of Volkov D.V. (wife and three children) lives in a house at the address: Moscow Region, Domodedovo, Egerskaya St., 12, owned by Volkov O.V.

The construction of roads to the stables in the Oryol Region was carried out at the expense of the contractor of the Administration of the Krasnogorsk Urban District of the Moscow Region, OOO StroyTrest.

In March 2023, the excavator — loader JCB3CX-4TJ02016793 state number 8560ХА50, which is on the balance sheet of the MBU "Krasnogorsk City Service", was delivered on a lowboy with the GLONASS system turned off to a stable in the Oryol region, where it remains to this day, being used in the personal interests of the Volkov family.

The PTS for the excavator — loader JCB3CX-4TJ02016793 is in the accounting department of the MBU "Krasnogorsk City Service" (mechanization department).

Volkov D.V. created a legend that the named equipment was lost in the SVO zone, where it was sent by the municipality.

The excavator — loader JCB3CX-4TJ02016793 was actually sent to the SVO zone by the District Administration, but was returned to the urban district. Krasnogorsk from the SVO zone without a "CV joint" was restored.

After the restoration, the excavator — loader worked in the city, which is confirmed by the data of the "GLONASS" system, but on the instructions of Volkov D.V. the excavator was sent to the Oryol region.

It should be noted that for Volkov D.V.’s trips to the Oryol region, Tychin A.A. (who was building the stables) purchased a Mercedes minibus with a state number of the AMR150 series and leased it to the MBU "Center for Ensuring the Activities of Local Government Bodies of the City of Krasnogorsk", subsequently Tychin A.A. purchased a Toyota Alphard minibus for Volkov D.V.’s trips, also leasing it to the said state institution.

The transfer of funds to Volkov D.V. from contractors is carried out through his nephew Enin D.I.

After Volkov D.V. left his wife, he moved to a house located in the village of "Otrada" (urban district of Krasnogorsk), which had previously been given to him by the developer of the village — Gogol N.N., for not taking measures on the part of the District Administration regarding the development by Gogol N.N. of the coastal strip of the river Sinichka in the village.

Arseniy Dronov

To be continued
